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Transparence extra-financière : nouvel article

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, le chercheur Barnali Choudhury vient de publier sur SSRN un article portant sur la transparence extra-financière : « Social Disclosure » (Berkeley Business Law Journal, 2016, Vol. 13, No. 1, p. 185).


Globally, there is a growing interest in using disclosure rules in corporate and securities law to achieve social policy goals. The blending of corporate law with social issues is a transformation of disclosure obligations, which have traditionally focused on reducing information asymmetries and instilling confidence in the market. At the same time, the amalgamation of disclosure requirements with social goals signals a convergence of private and public goals. Private corporations are now being asked to take on a role in promoting social policies — a role traditionally allocated to governments.

Against this background, this article examines the utility of disclosure rules to promote social policies. The article finds that the role for public issues in the private area of corporate and securities law is limited, but concludes — from a comparative perspective — that disclosure rules which are narrow in scope and boast a high degree of specificity can be effective supplementary devices for curing corporate ills.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

autres publications Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement

Un factbook (absolument à lire) de l’OCDE

Décidément l’OCDE nous livre de très intéressantes contributions. En voici une de plus en avril 2015 avec le « Corporate Governance Factbook ». Mine d’informations en termes de statistiques, de tableaux, de pratiques et de comparaison des droits, je vous recommande la lecture de ce document !

Voici la table des matières :

  1. Introduction
  2. The Corporate Landscape
    The ownership structure of listed companies
  3. The Corporate Governance Framework
    The regulatory framework for corporate governance
    – Cross-border application of corporate governance requirements
    – The main public regulators of corporate governance
    – Stock exchanges
  4. The Rights of Shareholders and Key Ownership Functions
    Notification of general meetings and information provided to shareholders
    – Shareholder rights to request a meeting and to place items on the agenda
    – Shareholder voting
    – Related party transactions
    – Takeover bid rules
    – The roles and responsibilities of institutional investors
  5. The Corporate Board of Directors
    – Basic board structure and independence
    – Board-level committees
    – Board nomination and election
    – Board and key executive remuneration

The OECD Corporate Governance Factbook provides an easily accessible and up-to-date, factual underpinning for understanding countries’ institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks, and to support their implementation of good corporate governance practices. It serves as a resource for governments who want to compare their own framework with that of other countries or seek information about practices in specific jurisdictions. The Factbook compiles information gathered from OECD and non-OECD country delegates to the OECD Corporate Governance Committee as part of a series of thematic reviews issued by the OECD. The thematic reviews cover major corporate governance challenges that came into focus following the 2008 crisis: board practices (including remuneration); institutional investors; related party transactions; board member nomination and election; supervision and enforcement; and risk management.

Pour accéder à ce rapport, cliquez ici.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian