Critère ESG et engagement : définir une stratégie

Ceres et BlackRock viennent de publier un document de travail en vue de faciliter l’intégration des critères ESG dans la relation qu’ils entretiennent avec une entreprise : 21st Century Engagement: Investor Strategies for Incorporating ESG Considerations into Corporate Interactions.

La notion d’engagement est de plus en plus présente en matière de gouvernance d’entreprise comme le relève le document de travail :

Engagement—direct communication between investors and companies—on environmental, social and governance matters is on the rise in the United States. A number of factors seem to be driving this change. First, companies seem more interested in understanding their shareholders’ views. Many are engaging with the ESG specialists at their long-term investors as part of their broader investor relations programs, which have historically focused solely on Wall Street. Second, investors are developing specialist teams to conduct those conversations, in recognition of the connection between sound ESG management and corporate resilience. And third, there is today much greater public scrutiny of companies and investors and the role they play in the economy and society more generally.

Au plan davantage juridique, il est significatif de relever – ce qui avait déjà été fait par le passé – qu’en matière de devoir fiduciaire, il n’existe pas d’incompatibilité avec la prise en compte de valeurs extra-financières (tel est le message du chapitre intitulé : « Fiduciary Duty and ESG Engagement » de Keith L. Johnson et de Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren) :

Ater a year-long study of fiduciary duty in the UK, a country with which the US shares the common law of trusts, the Law Commission concludes, « There is general agreement that wider investment factors may be considered, but concern that pension trustees may continue to receive risk-averse legal advice on the issue. We hope we can finally remove any misconceptions on this issue: there is no impediment to trustees taking account of environmental, social or governance factors where they are, or may be, finally material (UK Law Commission, Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries,  par. 6.28, 6.29 juin 2014).

The duty of loyalty includes an obligation to identify and fairly balance conflicting interests of different beneficiary groups, including those of younger and older generations

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 23 juin 2015 à 11 h 55 min.


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