Un conseil d’administration pour le long terme

Intéressante contribution au débat sur long terme qui nous est offerte par cette synthèse de travaux de recherche relayés par le cabinet Spencer Stuart regroupés sous le titre : « Building a Board for Long Term » (ici).

As part of the Focusing Capital on the Long Term initiative, some of the world’s foremost economic actors, including CEOs, board members, investors and regulators, were invited to present their views about what it will take to change the current system. The result is the essay collection “Perspectives on the Long Term: Building a stronger foundation for tomorrow, » which was launched in March 2015 at the Long-Term Summit in New York co-chaired by Dominic Barton (McKinsey), Mark Wiseman (Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board) and Larry Fink (Blackrock). The entire publication is available here. Edward Speed, chairman of Spencer Stuart and co-author of the following essay, moderated a discussion at that summit on the role of long-term planning in board creation and effectiveness.

Pour lire la suite, cliquez ici.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 30 juin 2015 à 13 h 44 min.


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