Renouveller le CA : un défi !

L’article « Refreshing the Board » de Scott Chase publié sur le journal Private Director Company aborde la délicate thématique du renouvellement des membres d’un CA.

Top businesses typically have high-performance human capital backed up with solid management processes that provide continual feedback to employees and reward talent for creating measurable profitability. Those who cannot perform to benchmarks are “managed out.” High-performance boards take a similar approach to managing themselves, via continual feedback and appropriate rewards for driving shareholder value.

Refreshing the board constitutes one of the most important – and one of the most difficult – tasks facing any group of directors. The need to refresh the board may be precipitated by any number of factors: retirement of a director, a mismatch of talents and expertise vis-à-vis current and anticipated needs and challenges, the unexpected retirement or removal of a director, and challenges to specific directors from activist shareholders and investors.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 28 octobre 2015 à 22 h 23 min.


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