Vers une réforme du droit des sociétés en Ontario ?

En juin 2015, le Minister of Government and Consumer Services de l’Ontario a tenu un panel intitulé : « Business Law Agenda: Priority Findings & Recommendations Report ». Parmi les sujets abordés, notons le droit des sociétés qui a fait l’objet des recommandations suivantes (recommandation 2a, p. ii) :

  • contemplate electronic meetings and communications under the OBCA
  • provide greater certainty about the standards to which directors and officers will be held under the OBCA, the liabilities to which they are exposed and the defences and protections available to them
  • allow shareholders to effectively determine the composition of their boards of directors by eliminating certain legislative requirements including allowing shareholders to vote against candidates (rather than just withhold their vote) and removing the Canadian residency requirements and
  • determine how best to make available to the ultimate investors in shares of a corporation, such as beneficial holders that hold their shares indirectly through book-based systems, the rights and remedies available to the registered holders of those shares.

Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici sur ce bulletin du cabinet Fasken Martineau.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 28 juillet 2015 à 10 h 14 min.


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