Que fait un président de CA ?

Marl Leslie propose un bel éclairage sur une question simple de gouvernance d’entreprise : que fait un président de CA ? Que devrait-il faire ? (« What Does A CEO Actually Do? », LinkedIn, janvier 2017)


First, the big picture.  The CEO is responsible for the overall performance of every aspect of the company and the total result thereof.  On top of these operational responsibilities, they have to service all of the company’s stakeholders—investors, board members, employees, customers, and local community. The CEO is also the keeper of the company’s culture and the face of the company in all of the public venues / events.

Although the CEO dabbles in everything, s/he is actually not actually responsible for the vast majority of day-to-day tasks that contribute to the total outcome.

So, what does the CEO actually do every day? How does s/he cover all of these widely disparate responsibilities? Most important, how do they set priorities for their time allocation?


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 27 janvier 2017 à 13 h 47 min.


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