Fonds d’investissement et ESG : les investisseurs institutionnels s’énervent !

En Angleterre, les investisseurs institutionnels font monter la pression sur les fonds d’investissement leur reprochant de ne pas assez prendre en compte l’environnement et le sociétal dans les choix d’investissement faits : « Consultants pressure pension funds over ethical investment » (Financial Times, 25 septembre 2017).


Twelve large investment consultants have joined forces to increase pressure on pension funds that are not taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into account when making investment decisions.The group of consultants, which includes the big three of Willis Towers Watson, Mercer and Aon Hewitt, advise on close to £1.6tn of pension and insurance assets in the UK alone and have huge influence over the investment decisions of asset owners. They have signed a letter agreeing to issue briefings, hold training sessions and advise pension funds about responsible investment after a warning from the UK pensions regulator this year.

According to the regulator, savers face long-term financial risks because trustees are failing to take climate change, responsible business practices and corporate governance into account when making investments.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 25 septembre 2017 à 22 h 24 min.


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