BlackRock s’oppose au capital-actions à classe multiple et demande l’intervention du régulateur

Le fameux fonds BlackRock fait entendre sa voix pour le régulateur intervienne afin de mettre fin au capital-actions à classe multiple : « BlackRock opposes banning companies from indexes over voting rights » (Reuters, 23 octobre 2017). Voilà encore le sujet des actions privilégiées et subalternes sur le devant de la scène !


BlackRock Inc, the world’s largest asset manager, is lambasting the architects of market indexes like the S&P 500 .SPX for ostracizing companies that deny equal voting rights to shareholders, saying that doing so could limit the opportunities of investors in index funds.

BlackRock has said it supports all shareholders getting an equal vote. Yet, in a report published on the company’s website on Monday, the manager of nearly $6 trillion in assets said it is up to regulators to set corporate-governance policies, not index providers.

BlackRock said that, without regulatory changes, corporations should seek shareholders’ approval of capital structures that deprive some of voting rights, and that they should let shareholders exercise equal voting rights on specific topics, such as executive pay, that pose a conflict of interest.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 24 octobre 2017 à 14 h 59 min.


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