Beyond the bottom line: should business put purpose before profit?

Dans le Financial Times, Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson propose un article ô combien enrichissant montrant que les choses commencent à changer en matière de gouvernance d’entreprise : « For 50 years, companies have been told to put shareholders first. Now even their largest investors are challenging that consensus ». L,article est intitulé « Beyond the bottom line: should business put purpose before profit? » (4 janvier 2019) et je vous le recommande chaudement.


In sum, the purpose-first  movement is still far from ubiquitous and lacking in reliable data, but is the pursuit of something beyond profit worse than Friedman’s singular focus on shareholder returns? Encouraging companies to have a clear mission, consider their communities and steer their innovative impulses to good ends may not add up to systemic change, but it is surely better than the alternative.Critics such as Giridharadas would rather society concentrate on restoring politics as the forum through which we address its challenges. But for as long as politicians are viewed with more suspicion than chief executives and investors, the purposeful capitalists may be our best hope.Consumers, employees and campaigners are already learning how effective they can be in pushing companies to balance other stakeholders’ concerns with their returns to shareholders. Companies, in turn, have discovered that doing so can improve their reputations, persuade investors that they have a sustainable strategy and, ultimately, benefit their bottom line.When corporate America is paying chief executives 168 times as much as the median employee, steering the windfall from a historic tax cut to options-boosting buybacks and consolidating into ever larger groups, executives claiming to be solving society’s ills can expect pushback.The pursuit of purpose will not end the questions over how much chief executives should earn, what wages and taxes companies should pay or how much corporate power society will tolerate. Nor will investors stop judging chief executives by their share prices. But 50 years of putting shareholders first left corporations little trusted by non-shareholders and many are ready to try something different.As companies’ self-interest converges with the interests of other stakeholders, those who would improve the world have a chance to get some of the world’s most powerful instruments for change onside. They should grasp the opportunity business’s moral money moment has given them.


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Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 24 mars 2020 à 0 h 06 min.


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