The Role of Shareholders in Addressing the Governance Challenges

Très intéressante cette allocution d’Howard Wetston, président de la CVMO prononcée dans le cadre d’une conférence à la Coalition canadienne pour une saine gestion des entreprises : « The Role of Shareholders in Addressing the Governance Challenges » (10 juin 2015).

As I indicated, I believe institutional investors need to be actively engaged in addressing the governance challenges that our public companies face today.

In my opinion, institutional investors should proactively engage with issuers on governance issues. This will allow issuers and investors to determine the appropriate governance practices for specific issuers or sectors. It will also allow regulators to focus on areas where voluntary progress is not occurring or feasible.

In my view, there are at least three important challenges that we face today:

  1. the debate over shareholder activism and its long-term impact on our public companies;
  2. the concern about executive compensation practices; and
  3. increasing gender diversity on the boards of public companies

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 14 septembre 2015 à 9 h 14 min.


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