Une féminisation toujours trop faible

Le Conference Board a publié sur son blogue un intéressant article établissant que la féminisation dans la position haut management demeure faible. La comparaison est pertinente et donne idée précise du paysage…

Despite the intense public policy debate on the diversity of business leadership, women continue to be under-represented in management positions, according to research conducted by The Conference Board in collaboration with Bloomberg and GRI. Data for 2014 show women accounted for only 22 percent of management positions among S&P Global 1200 companies, a figure which remains unchanged from 2013. The analysis by region suggests companies in Asia-Pacific and Latin America showed some improvement. For instance, 18 percent of management positions among companies in Asia-Pacific in 2014 were held by women, up from only 12 percent in 2013. Among companies in Latin America, the share of women in management was 19 percent, up from 15 percent in 2013. While the increases in these two regions are notable, rates remain well below the medians of 23 percent and 22 percent reported by companies in North America and Europe, respectively.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 17 septembre 2015 à 21 h 20 min.


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