Crowfunding : l’UE publie un staff working

La Commission européenne vient de publier un document sur le financement participatif qui fait l’état des lieux des initiatives nationales : « COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT
– Crowdfunding in the EU Capital Markets Union » (SWD(2016) 154 final).

Voici la conclusion de ce document :


This report demonstrates that crowdfunding remains relatively small in the EU but is developing rapidly. It has the potential to be a key source of financing for SMEs over the long term.

Crowdfunding is one of many technological innovations that have the potential to transform the financial system. Therefore, crowdfunding warrants consideration as part of our broader approach to FinTech and the digitalisation of financial services, which is being looked at further in the Green Paper on Retail Financial Services.

As demonstrated in this report, to promote the growth of crowdfunding and appropriately protect investors, EU Member States have put in place a range of measures to regulate crowdfunding – either using the EU legislative framework where appropriate or via national regimes. These national frameworks are broadly consistent in terms of the objectives and outcomes they seek to achieve, but are tailored to local markets and domestic regulatory approaches.

Given the predominantly local nature of crowdfunding, there is no strong case for EU level policy intervention at this juncture. Crowdfunding is still relatively small and needs space to innovate and develop. Given the dynamism of crowdfunding and the potential for future cross border expansion, it will be important to monitor the development of the sector and the effectiveness, and degree of convergence of, national regulatory frameworks.

The Commission Services will therefore maintain regular dialogue, through twice yearly meetings, with the European Supervisory Authorities, Member States, and the crowdfunding sector to promote convergence, sharing of best practice and keep developments under review. We will assess the development of cross-border business and consider in particular the investor protection aspects. This will ensure the Commission is able to respond in a timely manner if further steps to support convergence of regulatory approaches are needed, both to promote the development of the sector and to ensure appropriate investor protection.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 19 mai 2016 à 16 h 20 min.


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