Corporate Use of Social Media

Intéressante étude sur l’utilisation des médias sociaux par les grandes entreprises américaines produite par Ahmed Tahoun, Clare Wang, James Naughton, Michael Jung sur le Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation : « Corporate Use of Social Media ». Comme le montre le tableau que j’ai reproduit, la thématique est plus que d’actualité !


Social media has transformed communications in many sectors of the U.S. economy. It is now used for disaster preparation and emergency response, security at major events, and public agencies are researching new uses in geolocation, law enforcement, court decisions, and military intelligence. Internationally, social media is credited for organizing political protests across the Middle East and a revolution in Egypt. In the business world, social media is considered a revolutionary sales and marketing platform and a powerful recruiting and networking channel. Little research exists, however, on how firms use social media to communicate financial information to investors and how investors respond to investor disseminated through social media, despite firms devoting considerable effort to creating and managing social media presences directed at investors. Motivated by this lack of research, in our paper, Corporate Use of Social Media, which was recently made publicly available on SSRN, we provide early large-sample evidence on the corporate use of social media for investor communications. More specifically, we investigate why firms choose to disseminate investor communications through social media, whether investors and traditional media outlets respond to social media disclosures, and whether potential adverse consequences to the firm exist from the use of social media to disseminate investor communications.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 4 juin 2016 à 11 h 41 min.


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