Féminisation et résistance dans les CA

Retour sur la trop faible féminisation des CA au Canada dans cet article du Canadian Business : « Despite growing calls for more women on boards, Corporate Canada resists » (30 juin 2016).


Shareholders in some of Canada’s biggest companies have shown some resolve to increase female representation at the board level, yet efforts in recent months to boost the number of women have been rejected time and again.

Proposals to diversify the makeup of boards at Bell and the parent company of Tim Hortons and Burger King, among other firms, fail because they often come from independent shareholders who lack the clout — and shares — controlled by large institution asset managers, said Kevin Thomas, director of shareholder engagement for the Shareholder Association for Research & Education (SHARE).

Those managers tend to vote against shareholder proposals or align their votes with management direction by default, Thomas said.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 5 juillet 2016 à 23 h 22 min.


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