Corporate greenwashing : retour sur une notion et ses pratiques contemporaines

The Guardian offre un très bel article qui revient sur la notion de greenwashing : « The troubling evolution of corporate greenwashing » (Sam Watson, 20 août 2016). Cet article met en lumière que cette pratique a pris une grande ampleur depuis les années 80 et qu’elle est devenue sophistiquée ne se contentant plus d’être liée aux plaintes suite à des dégâts environnementaux.



The term greenwashing was coined by environmentalist Jay Westerveld in 1986, back when most consumers received their news from television, radio and print media – the same outlets that corporations regularly flooded with a wave of high-priced, slickly-produced commercials and print ads. The combination of limited public access to information and seemingly unlimited advertising enabled companies to present themselves as caring environmental stewards, even as they were engaging in environmentally unsustainable practices.

But greenwashing dates back even earlier. American electrical behemoth Westinghouse’s nuclear power division was a greenwashing pioneer. Threatened by the 1960’s anti-nuclear movement, which raised questions about its safety and environmental impact, it fought back with a series of ads proclaiming the cleanliness and safety of nuclear power plants. One, featuring a photograph of a nuclear plant nestled by a pristine lake, proclaimed that “We’re building nuclear power plants to give you more electricity,” and went on to say that nuclear plants were “odorless […] neat, clean, and safe”.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 9 septembre 2016 à 15 h 29 min.


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