Pour ou contre les salariés au CA ?

« Should boards include an employee representative? » de Richard Dunnett dans Director (12 septembre 2016) propose 2 points de vue radicalement différents sur la question.

  • Oui pour Stefan Stern, directeur du High Pay Centre

Something is too often lacking from the conversation at board level: an eyewitness account from the shop floor. How easy it is to forget the perspective of ordinary employees, even in the middle of discussi
ons that will have a direct impact on their lives. ‘Consultation’ is, sadly, one of the most abused management terms. It makes practical sense to listen to the views of colleagues before taking decisions that affect them. So introducing the employees’ point of view into the boardroom, through employee representatives, must make sense.

  • Non pour Jim Prior, P-DG de The Partners and Lambie-Nairn

The proposal betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how companies work in its failure to distinguish between leadership and governance. In most large companies it is the executive leadership team that makes the decisions which most affect employees, not the board. Yes, corporate leaders should listen to employees but the role of the board should be to identify and act on situations where leaders fail to listen, not to do the listening for them.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 12 septembre 2016 à 16 h 57 min.


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