Vers un code de gouvernance aux Etats-Unis ?

Merci à Jacques Grisé d’avoir relayé cette initiative américaine d’un futur code de gouvernance d’entreprise : « Prélude à un code de gouvernance aux É.U. ! ». Son billet s’appuie sur l’article de Gary Larkin associé à The Conference Board Governance Center intitulé « It’s Commonsense to Have a U.S. Corporate Governance Code ».


Voici les bases de ce code :

  • Every board should meet regularly without the CEO present, and every board should have active and direct engagement with executives below the CEO level.
  • Directors should be elected by a majority  of either “for” or “against/withhold” votes (with abstentions and non-votes not be counted)
  • Board refreshment should always be considered in order that the board’s skillset and perspectives remain current.
  • Every board should have members with complementary and diverse skills, backgrounds and experiences.
  • If the board decides on a combined CEO/Chair role, it is essential that the board have a strong independent director.
  • Institutional investors that make decisions on proxy issues important to long-term value creation should have access to the company, its management, and, in some circumstances, the board.
  • Companies should only provide earnings guidance to the extent they believe it is beneficial to shareholders.



À la prochaine….

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 25 octobre 2016 à 22 h 20 min.


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