Le Canada n’est pas prêt pour le changement climatique

Selon un rapport du Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation of Waterloo, « Canada is ill-prepared for the increased flooding and extreme weather that will occur under climate change, and needs to act now or face much higher costs to fix damaged buildings and infrastructure in the future, a new report warns » (ici, The Globe and Mail, 30 octobre 2016).


“The one factor that is not well understood in Canada is that every day we don’t adapt is a day we don’t have,” said Blair Feltmate, the centre’s head and a professor in the faculty of environment at the university.

“We do not have the luxury of time; we’ve got to move on this file immediately. … We must build adaptation into the system now because if we don’t, the economic consequences and the social disruption it’s going to bring to the country will be very substantial.”


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 31 octobre 2016 à 11 h 04 min.


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