Retour sur la contribution du BEIS committee au Parlement britannique : de belles propositions touchant la gouvernance

Le journal The Guardian publie un article revenant sur la contribution faite au Parlement britannique par le business, energy and industrial strategy (BEIS) committee sur la future réforme de la gouvernance d’entreprise : « MPs’ corporate governance inquiry: what are the key issues? ».


Parliament launches a series of hearings on reforming British boardrooms on Tuesday, as MPs pledge to ensure Theresa May fulfils her promise to clean up big business.

The business, energy and industrial strategy (BEIS) committee is collecting evidence for its own investigation into corporate governance, while the government’s own consultation is expected to start before Christmas.

In her brief campaign to become Conservative party leader, May hit out against the gap between directors’ pay and the wider workforce, while raising the idea of putting workers on boards. Iain Wright, chair of the BEIS committee, said: “I hope she’s not rolling back.”

The submissions to the committee’s corporate governance probe offer ideas to tackle executive pay – the average boss earned £5.5m in 2015, up from just under £5m the year before – and provide clues to the other topics that will be debated in the months ahead.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 18 novembre 2016 à 13 h 30 min.


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