7 améliorations à apporter aux assemblées d’actionnaires

Steven Cole de l’Australian Institute of Company Directors a suggér dans un article de BusinessNews 7 manièeres d’améliorer l’assemblée annuelle des actionnaires : « 7 ways to improve the AGM » (7 mars 2017). La saison des assemblées approchant, cet article tombe à point nommé pour réfléchir sur la nécessité de rendre les assemblées (a priori, lieu d’exercice de la démocratie actionnariale) plus attrayante.


The annual general meeting has come under fire for not staying relevant in the contemporary corporate  governance environment. Australian Institute of Compnay  Login Directors Fellow Steven Cole suggests ways we could improve the AGM.

(…) Criticisms of AGM effectiveness generally fall into two  Login categories, informational and procedural. On the informational side, critics argue that the meetings yield little information that is not already available to the market; the materials that are prepared for the meeting, including the directors’ report, remuneration report, corporate governance statement, auditors report and financial statements are complex and difficult to understand; and that institutional shareholders gain more frequent and better quality information than retail shareholders. When it comes to procedure, critics say that since most shareholders, by number and by percentage of holding, have already voted by proxy, the deliberations at the meeting have no material bearing on the resolution of the outcomes.


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Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 14 mars 2017 à 10 h 07 min.


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