Mouvement anti-ESG : faut-il s’inquiéter ?

Depuis quelques temps, des tentatives sont faites pour réduire la participation des investisseurs engagés. À ce titre, l’entreprise américaine Exxon a entrepris un recours judiciaire contre certaines parties prenantes, critiquant l’usage « activiste » des droits des actionnaires.


Extrait :

Exxon Mobil said Friday it will continue to pursue a lawsuit against two activist investors even after they withdrew a shareholder proposal on climate change, setting up a clash over what constitutes legitimate debate between a public company and its owners.
Exxon (XOM.N), opens new tab had taken the rare step in January of filing the lawsuit to block the shareholder measure from being voted on at its annual meeting.
(…) Exxon’s unusual legal action has been closely watched by investor activists worried the move could lead other companies to block shareholder resolutions in court, rather than through the usual process of appealing to regulators.

À la prochaine…

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 15 mai 2024 à 20 h 30 min.


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