Canadian Activism : Where It’s Going, How It’s Growing

Dans un article du Forbes, Christopher P. Skroupa aborde l’activisme actionnarial et ses particularités au Canada : « Canadian Activism – Where It’s Going, How It’s Growing » (21 septembre 2017).


The past decade has shown a large change within Canadian activism, and there is no sign of the change coming to a stop. If the past five years have shown anything it’s that Canadian market is on its way to rivaling the U.S., although multiple reasons stand in the way of Canada’s shareholder activism reaching it’s full potential.

(…) Accordingly, demands by activists to “maximize shareholder value” in the short term do not resonate as strongly in Canada as in the United States, and well-reasoned and fact-based appeals to “long termism” by management remain a robust defensive strategy in Canada.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 25 septembre 2017 à 21 h 52 min.


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