Le CA ne peut plus ignorer la RSE !

Intéressant article qui vient rappeler aux administrateurs qu’ils ne doivent pas négliger les problématiques liées à la RSE : « CEOs Can’t Ignore These Three Proxy Season Votes » (Chief Executive, 13 octobre 2017). Aux Etats-Unis, les propositions des actionnaires en ce domaine sont croissantes.


When reviewing this year’s proxy season, one takeaway looks certain to grab CEOs by the ear: The tremendous enthusiasm for environmental and social issues.

The share of proposals on environmental and social issues (E&S) climbed to 43% – the highest in five years. Moreover, actual passage levels have risen. In 2017 so far, six proposals passed; in all of 2013 just four passed.

While the intensity of support should matter to CEOs, so should the sources of support. These issues no longer receive backing from just active investors – the usual suspects. A growing body of large, traditionally passive investors put many of these recent proposals over the goal post. After all, they deem these issues’ outcomes essential to shareholder value.

CEOs, take notice: the following three E&S topics gained serious momentum, which looks all but certain to continue.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 13 octobre 2017 à 11 h 43 min.


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