Critère ESG : l’exemple de Bâtirente

Dans Benefis Canada, un témoignage intéressant est fait sur l’application des pratiques ESG par l’entreprise québécoise Bâtirente : « How Bâtirente takes ESG reporting to the next level » (10 octobre 2017). Un article révélant toute la globalité de l’approche RSE nécessaire en ce domaine…


As pension plans grapple with what to do about environmental, social and governance factors, Quebec-based fund Bâtirente offers some guidance on the options available. It formalized its approach in 2005, the year before the United Nations laid out its six principles for responsible investment.

Bâtirente is one of the original signatories of the principles. “I had been working on elaborating our responsible investing policy for a few years, and it was not as publicly discussed as it is nowadays,” says Daniel Simard, the pension fund’s chief executive officer, noting he reached out to the chairman of the PRI Association (a global proponent of responsible investment) when he learned of its launch.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 22 octobre 2017 à 23 h 32 min.


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