L’Union européenne veut rendre la finance sur son territoire plus « verte » !

Selon un article de The Economist paru le 22 mars 2018, le président de la France, Emmanuel Macron, et l’ancien maire de New York, Michael Bloomberg, étaient réunis la semaine dernière, à Bruxelles, afin de discuter d’un plan d’action européen pour la finance durable.

L’article mentionne:

« Investing with an eye to environmental or social issues, not just financial returns, has become mainstream in the past decade. According to the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA), $23trn, or 26% of all assets under management in 2016, were in “socially responsible investments” that take account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. New asset classes have sprung up. According to SEB, a Swedish bank, the issuance of green bonds, the proceeds of which are invested in environmental projects, reached $163bn in 2017, up from less than $500m in 2008. »

Bloomberg a d’ailleurs mentionné:

« More transparency will drive capital to companies that are mitigating risks posed by climate change and capitalizing on the opportunities it presents. Businesses have strong incentives to lead the way on climate change, and better data will help them do more and act faster. I want to thank all of the Belgian leaders who joined our growing coalition today. »

Bonne lecture!


Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 28 mars 2018 à 11 h 15 min.


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