Salariés et gouvernance d’entreprise : du nouveau en Angleterre

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je vous renvoie à cet article intitulé : « Corporate governance: ’employee voice’ and workplace reporting » (17 août 2018). Cet article revient sur les récentes évolutions britanniques touchant le code de gouvernance du FRC et le droit des sociétés en matière de reporting.


Some of the most eye-catching changes apply to listed companies, but there are also new requirements for many unlisted companies.

The changes are introduced through different sources, including the latest UK Corporate Governance Code (‘the Code’) and amended corporate reporting law and regulations. Different elements also apply to different types of company. Action will be required by heads of HR departments, company secretaries, in-house counsel and boards themselves.

The revised rules will apply for financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2019, so the first affected reports will be those published in 2020. However, companies should not wait until drafting those reports to engage with the reforms. Instead, they should be implemented early in the first affected financial year, if not before.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 21 août 2018 à 12 h 32 min.


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