La gouvernance au service de la durabilité : nouvel ouvrage

Elgar Publishing vient de publier l’ouvrage de Francesco de Zwart qui pourrait bien vous intéresser : « Enhancing Firm Sustainability Through Governance: The Relational Corporate Governance Approach ». C’est une approche certes essentiellement managériale, mais dont le sujet se révèle très riche.

This important book presents a fresh perspective on corporate governance and how the relationship between governance mechanisms, processes and variables should be understood through a new unifying theory: the relational corporate governance approach. The approach acts as a tool for analysing the governance health of individual companies and suggests the actions required to remedy sub-optimal governance arrangements. A wide selection of articles, empirical studies and literature have been translated into an original theory which complements existing law and economics models of the firm.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 27 août 2015 à 10 h 56 min.


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