Les juristes veulent de la transparence sur les bénéfices

Selon le Star Tribune, plusieurs parlementaires et juristes souhaitent que les Etats-Unis fassent évoluer le cadre réglementaire des multinationales afin d’identifier leurs profits pays par pays : « Lawmakers push for public disclosure of where companies book profits ».


Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota is among a group of senators who want U.S. multinational corporations to publicly name the countries where they book profits.

In a recent letter to the secretary of the Treasury, Franken and several colleagues called for country-by-country disclosure of foreign profits as a way to head off accounting maneuvers many corporations use to redirect revenue from countries where they are earned to tax havens.

« Multinational companies tend to make these bogus transactions where they want to book as much profit in the low-tax countries and have as little profit in the high-tax countries, » Franken said. « It’s eroding the tax base of the developed world. »


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 22 juin 2016 à 22 h 37 min.


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