Code de gouvernance hollandais : le long-terme assumé

Publié le 8 décembre 2016, le nouveau Code de gouvernance hollandais propose un nouveau paradigme tourné résolument vers le long-terme. Sur l’Oxford Business Law Blog, vous trouverez un intéressant article de Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz intitulé : « The Dutch Corporate Governance Code and The New Paradigm ».


Both the New Paradigm and the Dutch Code fundamentally envision a company as a long-term alliance between its shareholders and other stakeholders. They are both based on the notions that a company should and will be effectively managed for long-term growth and increased value, pursue thoughtful ESG and CSR policies, be transparent, be appropriately responsive to shareholder interests and engage with shareholders and other stakeholders.

Like The New Paradigm, the Dutch Code is fundamentally designed to promote long-term growth and value creation.  The management board is tasked with achieving this goal and the supervisory board is tasked with monitoring the management board’s efforts to achieve it.

The long-term investment provisions of the Dutch Code are cogent and succinct, and relate so closely to the essence of The New Paradigm that they are worth quoting in full (…)


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 22 août 2018 à 11 h 37 min.


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