Un beau débat : Can self-reporting be effective for investors?

La question est posée : le reporting extra-financier doit-il être laissé dans les mains des entreprises ? Au contraire, le droit doit-il intervenir ? Cet article illustre toute la complexité de répondre à la question : « Debate: Can self-reporting be effective for investors? » (6 novembre 2018).


Self-reported data makes up a lion’s share of the climate and sustainability information available t investors but is often lacking in transparency and comparability. Data is crucial for investors to make responsible, long-term decisions so if corporate data is inconsistent it could hold back the huge levels of investment needed in sustainable solutions to limit climate change.

Data availability and accessibility also play key roles in triggering innovations that can help transform financial markets to align with global climate goals. EIT Climate KIC’s Climate Innovation Summit in Dublin on 6 November saw a group of experts including Andreas Hoepner and Jakob Thoma debate whether self-reporting can ever succeed in providing sufficient information to investors.


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Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 13 avril 2019 à 21 h 18 min.


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