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Shareholder stewardship et shareholder duties : article éclairant

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Iris Chiu et Dionysia Katelouzou ont publié un intéressant working paper sur SSRN intitulé : « From Shareholder Stewardship to Shareholder Duties: Is the Time Ripe? ».


In the context of the increasing institutionalisation of global equity, this chapter examines the development of the soft law of shareholder stewardship originating in the UK Stewardship Code and provides insights into its prospective evolution into hard law standards of behaviour for institutional shareholders. We argue that the time is ripe for the development of shareholder duties on the part of institutional investors. We contend that the proposed Shareholder Rights Directive is already taking a step towards that direction by introducing a semi-hard law of a fiduciary duty to demonstrate engagement at a pan-European level. We argue that such a duty is relevant to different European jurisdictions; even if ownership structures are still rather different across the EU there is a shifting balance between traditional blockholders, such as families, and institutional investors.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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Dépasser la valeur actionnariale

Robert G. Eccles et Tim Youmans publient une étude intéressante dans le MIT Sloan Management Review : « Why Boards Must Look Beyond Shareholders » (3 septembre 2015). Dans cet article, vous trouverez confirmée une intuition que d’autres avant nous avaient exprimée : le devoir de loyauté n’a pas que pour objectif de servir l’intérêt des actionnaires. Une comparaison de plusieurs pays le confirment !

Many executives across the globe believe that a company’s board of directors has a fiduciary duty to place shareholders’ interests above all others. However, this view of shareholder primacy is an ideology, not the law.

Our research on the board’s fiduciary duty to shareholders clearly demonstrates that the law in many countries rejects the primacy of shareholder interests.

As a separate legal person, a corporation has two basic objectives: To survive and to thrive. Shareholder value is not the objective of the corporation; it is an outcome of the corporation’s activities. While shareholders entrust their stakes in a corporation to the board of directors, shareholders are just one audience among others that the board may consider when making decisions on behalf of the corporation.

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Ivan Tchotourian