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What institutional investors should do next on ESG : un beau rapport !

C’est sous ce titre que le cabinet McKinsey (sous la plume de Jonathan Bailey, Bryce Klempner et Josh Zoffer) publie un excellent rapport en juin 2016 : « Sustaining sustainability: What institutional investors should do next on ESG ».


Mainstream institutions have made progress integrating environmental, social, and governance factors into their investing, but they still have far to go. Six ideas can take them to the next level.


Voici les 6 étapes énoncées :

  1. Require uniform corporate ESG-reporting standards based on the principle of materiality
  2. Build a shared ESG-rating system for external managers
  3. Work together to engage with corporations
  4. Stress-test portfolios for ESG risk factors
  5. Use a long-term ESG outlook to unlock new investment opportunities
  6. Confront the skepticism and misunderstanding that surround ESG head-on


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

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Le changement climatique : une nouvelle donne pour les investisseurs

Mercer a publié il y a quelques semaines une étude consacrée à l’investissement en période de changement climatique (nous y sommes je crois !) : Mercer, Investing in a Time of Climate Change – 2015 Study, June 2015. De cette étude, il apparaît que les investisseurs institutionnels doivent se montrer vigilants tant l’environnement est devenu pour eux une variable qu’ils doivent prendre en compte lorsqu’ils effectuent des placements.

Morceaux choisis :

Climate change presents risks expected to have their greatest impact in the long term.  But to address it, change is needed now. This presents asset owners and investment managers with both risks and opportunities.

Investors have two key levers in their portfolio decisions — investment and engagement. From an investment perspective, resilience begins with an understanding that climate change risk can have an impact at the level of asset classes, of industry sectors and of sub-sectors. Climate-sensitive industry sectors should be the primary focus, as they will be significantly affected in certain scenarios. Investors also have numerous engagement options. They can engage with investment managers and the companies in their portfolio to ensure appropriate climate risk management and associated reporting. They can also engage with policymakers to help shape régulations.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian