
Publications Structures juridiques

Lecture conseillée : Corporate Purpose and Personhood

Bel ouvrage touchant la raison d’être et la personnalité morale que propose Edward Elgar Publishing : « Research Handbook on Corporate Purpose and Personhood ».

Table des matières

1 What Jensen and Meckling really said about the public company 2
Brian R. Cheffins
2 Business purpose and the objective of the corporation 27
Edward B. Rock
3 A more equitable corporate purpose 47
Veronica Root Martinez

4 The “value” of a public benefit corporation 68
Jill E. Fisch & Steven Davidoff Solomon
5 Enlightened shareholder value, stakeholderism, and the quest for
managerial accountability 91
Dorothy S. Lund
6 The shareholder-stakeholder alliance: exposing the link between
shareholder power and the rise of a corporate social purpose 109
Lisa M. Fairfax
7 ESG investing, or, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em 130
Ann M. Lipton
8 Purpose in business association statutes: much ado about something
(but not much) 148
Brett McDonnell
9 For whom is the corporation managed and what is its purpose?
A stakeholder perspective based on the law of Delaware 165
Cynthia A. Williams

10 Shareholder primacy is illogical 186
Frank Partnoy
11 The “franchise” view of the corporation: purpose, personality, public policy 201
Saule T. Omarova
12 Corporate personality, purpose, and liability 222
Paul B. Miller
13 Facts and values in corporate legal theory 240
James D. Nelson

14 Regulatory partitioning as a key function of corporate personality 263
Mariana Pargendler
15 Corporate personhood and the putative First Amendment right to discriminate 283
Kent Greenfield & Daniel A. Rubens
16 The corporation’s political purpose 299
Sarah C. Haan
17 Personhood, procedure and the endurance of corporate compliance 320
Miriam H. Baer

18 Beyond shareholder value: exploring justifications for a broader
corporate purpose 344
Martin Petrin
19 Lessons from India’s struggles with corporate purpose 362
Afra Afsharipour
20 Varieties of shareholderism: three views of the corporate purpose cathedral 386
Amir N. Licht


Conseil de lecture : The capitalist and the activist

Ouvrage intéressant que vient de publier Tom C.W. Lin : « The Capitalist and the Activist: Corporate Social Activism and the New Business of Change » (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2022). À découvrir…


Today, corporations and their executives are at the front lines of some of the most important and contentious social and political issues of our time, such as voting rights, gun violence, racial justice, immigration reform, climate change, and gender equality. Why is this sea change in business and activism happening? How should executives and activists engage one another to create meaningful progress? What are potential pitfalls and risks for each side? What can they learn from each other? What first principles should guide leaders moving forward?
The Capitalist and the Activist offers an engaging and thoughtful look at the new reality of corporate social activism—its driving forces, promises and perils, and implications for our businesses and personal lives. Weaving deep research and fascinating stories that span business, entertainment, history, science, and politics, Tom Lin provides an insightful road map for how society arrived here and a practical compass for moving forward. Drawing together examples from the civil rights movement, campaign finance litigation, gun regulation, Black Lives Matter, the Confederate flag controversy, the Trump presidency, and other historical events, Lin brilliantly reveals and charts the course for a changing society of capitalists and activists seeking both profit and progress.
The Capitalist and the Activist is a must-read for anyone trying to understand the emerging future of activism, business, and politics.

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autres publications Gouvernance normes de droit Publications

Nouvel ouvrage : Corporate Law and the Theory of the Firm: Reconstructing Corporations, Shareholders, Directors, Owners, and Investors

Bel ouvrage qui rejoindra sans doute ma bibliothèque publié par Dennis Huber : « Corporate Law and the Theory of the Firm: Reconstructing Corporations, Shareholders, Directors, Owners, and Investors » (Routledge, avril 2020).

Résumé :

Dozens of judicial opinions have held that shareholders own corporations, that directors are agents of shareholders, and even that directors are trustees of shareholders’ property. Yet, until now, it has never been proven. These doctrines rest on unsubstantiated assumptions.

In this book the author performs a rigorous, systematic analysis of common law, contract law, property law, agency law, partnership law, trust law, and corporate statutory law using judicial rulings that prove shareholders do not own corporations, that there is no separation of ownership and control, directors are not agents of shareholders, and shareholders are not investors in corporations. Furthermore, the author proves the theory of the firm, which is founded on the separation of ownership and control and directors as agents of shareholders, promotes an agenda that wilfully ignores fundamental property law and agency law. However, since shareholders do not own the corporation, and directors are not agents of shareholders, the theory of the firm collapses.

The book corrects decades of confusion and misguided research in corporate law and the economic theory of the firm and will allow readers to understand how property law, agency law, and economics contradict each other when applied to corporate law. It will appeal to researchers and upper-level and graduate students in economics, finance, accounting, law, and sociology, as well as attorneys and accountants.

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autres publications Publications Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Nouvel ouvrage : The accountability of transnational corporations for the adverse impacts of their business activities

Mme Adeline Michoud vient de publier sa thèse chez Schulthess Verlag dans la collection Genevoise sous le titre : « The accountability of transnational corporations for the adverse impacts of their business activities: an international and comparative law study ». Nul doute que cet ouvrage intéressera nos lectrices et lecteurs du blogue !

Résumé :

In the last decades, transnational corporate activities have given rise to serious human rights abuses. In this doctoral thesis, the author provides an exhaustive account of the obstacles preventing the implementation of an effective corporate social responsibility system. The first chapter analyses the mechanisms developed in public international law to introduce corporate regulation. The second chapter explains the inadequacies of both American and European private international law systems to receive victims’ claims. Finally, the third chapter elaborates a comparative study of the different national law mechanisms to establish the responsibility of transnational corporations. The present book is addressed to all lawyers and more generally to all readers interested in the question of business and human rights.

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autres publications Nouvelles diverses

Nouvel ouvrage sur la RSE

La Société de législation comparée (SLC) vient de publier un nouvel ouvrage dans sa collection sur un thème qui intéressera les lectrices et les lecteurs de ce blogue : « La responsabilité sociétale des entreprises : Approche environnementale » (volume 20, août 2016).


Alors que la Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE) devient l’une des préoccupations majeures des entreprises internationales, comme l’atteste le nombre très important de rapports rendus à son sujet par des organisations internationales, un de ses aspects les moins étudiés est sa dimension environnementale, ce qui est tout à fait paradoxal au regard de la montée en puissance de la protection de l’environnement sous des formes très variées.
Cette approche environnementale de la Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises serait l’occasion de revenir sur ses sources, son incontestable dimension internationale, sa contribution à la réflexion sur les sources du droit en tant que manifestation du droit souple et processus d’harmonisation des législations.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

autres publications Nouvelles diverses

Nouvel ouvrage : « Economics of corporate law »

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je vous signale la parution de ce nouvel ouvrage liant droit des sociétés par actions et analyse économique : « Economics of Corporate Law – Economic Approaches to Law series » (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016).


Scholarly analysis of corporate law in the United States has come to be dominated by an economic approach. Professor Hill and Professor McDonnell here draw together seminal articles which represent major milestones along the road that economics has traveled in coming to play this central role in corporate law scholarship. The focus is on the analysis of corporate law, drawing mainly upon legal scholarship and particularly on US scholarship, which is the originator of the application of modern economic analysis to corporate law and has had much influence in other countries.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

autres publications normes de marché

Et la réputation ?

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur la réputation (notion devenue si importante pour les entreprises et leur gouvernance) ? Mme Gloria Origgi vient de publier un livre abordant la réputation chez PUF : « La réputation, qui dit quoi de qui ».

Comment une réputation se fait-elle ou se défait-elle ? Les raisons d’un anonymat prolongé ou d’une célébrité fulgurante, de la dégradation ou de l’amélioration de notre image, la plupart du temps nous échappent. Pourtant, la réputation traverse de part en part nos vies. D’un côté, nous nous soucions tant de notre propre image qu’il nous arrive de commettre des actes inconsidérés dans le vain espoir de maîtriser l’opinion que les autres ont de nous. D’un autre côté, nous nous fions nous-mêmes tant à la réputation des autres que nous pouvons être amenés à choisir sur sa seule foi un médecin, un élu politique, un journal, voire à adopter une idée. C’est que la réputation touche au plus intime de notre existence. Or cette notion essentielle a été étrangement négligée par les sciences sociales, qui n’ont longtemps vu en elle que le vestige d’une société traditionnelle et anti-individualiste où la fama, l’honneur et la lutte pour le prestige jouaient un rôle central que la modernité n’a eu de cesse de démanteler. Jamais pourtant la réputation n’a été plus cruciale que dans nos sociétés contemporaines.

Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.

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Ivan Tchotourian