Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Gouvernance Nouvelles diverses Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Durabilité : la vision de BlackRock

Hier, le plus grand d’investissement au monde (BlackRock) a posté sur son site Internet son rapport sur son approche en matière de durabilité : « Our approach to sustainability ».

Extrait :

This past January, BlackRock wrote to clients about how we are making sustainability central to the way we invest, manage risk, and execute our stewardship responsibilities……Our efforts around sustainability, as with all our investment stewardship activities, seek to promote governance practices that help create long-term shareholder value for our clients, the vast majority of whom are investing for long-term goals such as retirement. This reflects our approach to sustainability across BlackRock’s investment processes, in which we use Environmental, Social, and Governance factors in order to provide clients with better risk-adjusted returns, in keeping with both our fiduciary duty and the range of regulatory requirements around the world. As a result, we have a responsibility to our clients to make sure companies are adequately managing and disclosing sustainability-related risks, and to hold them accountable if they are not.

(…) While this report focuses on climate-related issues, our investment stewardship approach to sustainability is much broader. It encompasses other environmental issues, such as sustainable practices in agribusiness. Our stewardship also includes topics that have been central to many companies’ license to operate, particularly over the past few months, such as human capital management and diversity and inclusion. The COVID-19 crisis, and more recently the protests surrounding racial injustice in the United States and elsewhere, have underscored the importance of these issues and a company’s commitment to serving all of its stakeholders.

(…) In January, we asked companies to publish disclosure aligned with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards, which includes disclosing the racial and ethnic profile of their U.S. workforce. In the second half of 2020, as we assess the impact of companies’ response to COVID-19 and associated issues of racial equality, we will be refreshing our expectations for human capital management and how companies pursue sustainable business practices that support their license to operate more broadly. We also will continue to emphasize the importance of diversity in the board room and will consider race, ethnicity, and gender as we review a company’s directors.

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