Normes d’encadrement

Normes d'encadrement normes de droit normes de marché rémunération

Rémunération des hauts dirigeants : on n’en sort pas !

Le Forum Économique Mondial a publié sur son site le 4 janvier un texte de Stefan Stern (directeur du High Pay Centre) qui aborde la problématique de la rémunération des hauts dirigeants « Today’s CEO earns 130 times the average salary. We need to talk about this ». L’auteur a le mérite de rappeler une chose fondamentale : la législation ne peut régler le problème à elle seule et c’est une approche holistique qu’il faut adopter.


We will find out in the coming months and years whether these appeals to voters were more than campaign rhetoric. But we should be in no doubt: business is vulnerable to the charge that the gap in pay between those at the top and the rest has grown too large. This attack has potency. It can shift voter sentiment and determine the results of important elections.

A recent study from the ILO, the Global Wage Report, found that the top 10% of highest paid workers in Europe together earn almost as much as the bottom 50%. “The payment of extremely high wages by a few enterprises to a few individuals leads to a ‘pyramid’ of highly unequally distributed wages,” the report said. Figures from the FTSE100 index of companies reveal a similar story. Whereas 20 years ago the average CEO was getting around 45 times the pay of the average worker in the business, today that ratio is around 130 times.

(…) But ultimately legislation can only do so much. Out-of-control pay at the top is a systemic, cultural problem. It requires all participants to change their behaviour. And those changes will be more effective and long-lasting if people choose to act differently, rather than being forced to do so.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian