
Gouvernance Nouvelles diverses

Dénonciation et banque : un couple !

Bel article publié au Financial Times du 21 octobre 2016 : « Want to change banking culture? Back whistleblowers ». Après le scandale Wells Fargo, le journaliste revient sur la réforme de la culture bancaire dans laquelle les programmes de dénonciation ont toute leur place à condition que les dénonciateurs soient protégés.

Morceaux choisis :


Bill Dudley asked a couple of good questions this week, addressing a conference on reforming bank culture at the New York Federal Reserve.

“When people speak up to point out potential conduct issues, how are they treated?” said the Fed president, who spent about 20 years at Goldman Sachs before joining the reserve bank. “Are they held up as examples to emulate, or are they discouraged or even penalised?”

(…) There is a lot that needs to change, says Michael Winston. He is one of four former senior executives who have formed a group called Bank Whistleblowers United, pursuing a mission, they say, of restoring accountability to Wall Street.

(…) “If we want people to come forward, like in the Wells Fargo situation, we need to respect them, not punish them,” he says. “I know a lot of whistleblowers; nobody sees any protection. None.”


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian