
Normes d'encadrement rémunération

More Companies Placing Limits on Director Pay

Le 29 mars 2016, un article du Dow Jones Institutional News nous apprenait que les sociétés américaines sont de plus en plus nombreuses à limiter la rémunération de leurs dirigeants : « More Companies Placing Limits on Director Pay« . Attention toutefois : il n’est pas question de réduire la rémunération, mais plutôt d’encadrer des formes de rémunération pour éviter de futures poursuites judiciaires !

A growing number of Fortune 500 companies are putting limits on the stock awards they give directors, according to Willis Towers Watson PLC, a risk advisor and consulting firm. But the companies aren’t trying to keep directors’ pay low, so much as protecting directors from lawsuits. More than a quarter, or 28%, of the Fortune 500 companies today include in their compensation policies limits on how much directors can get in stock awards, according to Willis Towers Watson‘s analysis. Companies either set limits on the number of stock or on the amount in dollars directors can get paid. Typically these are set lower than the limits placed on executive pay, and need to be approved by shareholders. Most of the limits were put into place since 2013, suggesting that companies are only recently tackling the issue.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian