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Gouvernance d’entreprise : le Parlement britannique lance une consultation

En Grande-Bretagne, The Business, Innovation, and Skills (BIS) Committee vient de lancer une consultation publique sur la gouvernance d’entreprise : « Corporate Governance inquiry launched ».


The Business, Innovation, and Skills (BIS) Committee has today launched an inquiry on corporate governance, focussing on executive pay, directors duties, and the composition of boardrooms, including worker representation and gender balance in executive positions.


Les questions abordées sont très intéressantes :

Directors Duties

  • Is company law sufficiently clear on the roles of directors and non-executive directors, and are those duties the right ones? If not, how should it be amended?
  • Is the duty to promote the long-term success of the company clear and enforceable?
  • How are the interests of shareholders, current and former employees best balanced?
  • How best should the decisions of Boards be scrutinised and open to challenge?
  • Should there be greater alignment between the rules governing public and private companies? What would be the consequences of this?
  • Should additional duties be placed on companies to promote greater transparency, e.g. around the roles of advisors. If so, what should be published and why? What would the impact of this be on business behaviour and costs to business?
  • How effectively have the provisions of the 1992 Cadbury report been embedded? How best can shareholders have confidence that Executives are subject to independent challenge?
  • Should Government regulate or rely on guidance and professional bodies to ensure that Directors fulfil their duties effectively?

Executive pay

  • What factors have influenced the steep rise in executive pay over the past 30 years relative to salaries of more junior employees?
  • How should executive pay take account of companies’ long-term performance?
  • Should executive pay reflect the value added by executives to companies relative to more junior employees? If so, how?
  • What evidence is there that executive pay is too high? How, if at all, should Government seek to influence or control executive pay?
  • Do recent high-profile shareholder actions demonstrate that the current framework for controlling executive pay is bedding in effectively? Should shareholders have a greater role?

Composition of Boards

  • What evidence is there that more diverse company boards perform better?
  • How should greater diversity of board membership be achieved? What should diversity include, e.g. gender, ethnicity, age, sexuality, disability, experience, socio-economic background?
  • Should there be worker representation on boards and/or remuneration committees? If so, what form should this take?
  • What more should be done to increase the number of women in Executive positions on boards?


Attention : la réponse est à envoyer pour le 26 octobre 2016 !


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

autres publications normes de droit rémunération

Mandatory Gender Pay Gap Reporting : la consultation commence

Le gouvernement britannique vient de lancer une consultation jusqu’au 16 mars 2016 sur la transparence dans le domaine de l’écart de rémunération entre les sexes : « Open consultation – Mandatory Gender Pay Gap Reporting » (12 février 2016).

The government is seeking views on draft regulations that will increase transparency around the differences in pay between men and women.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

autres publications Nouvelles diverses

Public consultation on long-term and sustainable investment

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, l’Union européenne vient de lancer une consultation intéressante : « Public consultation on long-term and sustainable investment ».

Fostering growth and investment is one of European Commission’s top priorities.

To maintain and extend its competitiveness, Europe needs significant new long-term and sustainable investment. These can also help achieve the EU’s policy objectives linked to the transition to low carbon and climate resilient economy and promote environmentally and socially sustainable wealth creation, including respect for fundamental rights.

The Communication on Long-Term Financing of the European Economy emphasized the importance of environmental, social, governance issues for the longer-term sustainable performance of companies and investors. The Action Plan on building a Capital Markets Union also reiterates the importance of ESG investments.

This consultation seeks to gather information on how institutional investors, asset managers and other service providers in the investment chain factor in sustainability (ESG) information and performance of companies or assets into investment decisions. The consultation will also gather information about possible obstacles to long-term, sustainable investment.

The results of this consultation will be used by the Commission to assess the state of play in this field. A feedback document outlining the overall results of the consultation will be made public.

Vous avez jusqu’au 25 mars 2016 pour répondre.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

autres publications mission et composition du conseil d'administration

Planifier la succession du CA : le FRC consulte

Le Financial reporting Council vient de publier un document de consultation : « UK Board Succession Planning » (ici). Voici ce qu’on peut y lire…

The FRC’s interest stems primarily from the fact that the quality of succession planning is one of the most frequent issues highlighted as a consequence of board evaluation. Stakeholders have suggested that we promote good practice to raise quality. The FRC also wishes to address the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards’ recommendations to the FRC on issues around director nomination, in which it commented that there is a ‘widespread perception that some “natural challengers” are sifted out by the nomination process. The nomination process greatly influences the behaviour of non-executive directors and their board careers.’

This paper is the result of discussions with a wide range of interested parties – individually and through group sessions – and analysis of other research. Our stakeholders have been extremely generous with their time and candid with their views, for which we are grateful. The aim of this paper is to look at the key issues, to identify suggestions for good practice and, more specifically, to examine how the nomination committee can play its role effectively. We are seeking to provoke discussion, and welcome your feedback on our approach and the issues and questions we have posed.

Issues explored in the paper include:

  • how effective board succession planning is important to business strategy and culture;
  • the role of the nomination committee;
  • board evaluation and its contribution to board succession;
  • identifying the internal and external ‘pipeline’ for executive and non-executive directors;
  • ensuring diversity; and
  • the role of institutional investors.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian