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Guide de gouvernance de l’IFC et d’ecoDa

La société financière internationale (IFC) et ecoDa ont publié en mai 2015 un guide très complet : « A Guide to Corporate Governance Practices in the European Union ». Accès sur l’Union européenne, ce guide apporter des éléments très intéressants sur les pratiques en Europe. On y trouve également des statistiques et une bibliographie pour chaque chapitre développé. Avec tout ce qui se passe en Europe, il est bon d’avoir une photographie !

This publication has been produced in collaboration with the European Confederation of Directors’ Associations (ecoDa) primarily aimed at ecoDa’s membership and for supporting IFC’s work in surrounding regions with countries aspiring to understand and follow rules, standards and practices applied in the EU countries but which may be of wider relevance and interest to practitioners, policy makers, development finance institutions,  investors, board directors, business reporters, and others.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

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Manifeste d’ecoDa pour le futur du corporate governance

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, il y a un plus d’une année, ecoDA publiait ce manifeste à destination de la Commission européenne et du Parlement européen afin de leur faire connaître sa position sur les futures réformes de la gouvernance d’entreprise : « Position Statement on Some Major Corporate Governance Questions Addressed to the Future European Commission and European Parliament » (ici).

The ecoDa board therefore decided to submit a number of ideas that could help the European organizations to better grasp the governance priorities Europe is confronted with.

1. Board room professionalism – Optimizing boardroom dynamics and leadership, professional director development and board independence.
2. Duties and rights of shareholders – Promoting active & long term shareholdership
3. International level playing field – Finding the right balance between the need for further promoting the single European market while making optimal use of the rich diversity in governance models throughout Europe – Building more proportionality within the governance regulations.
4. Developing the right governance framework for different ownership structures and models

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian