
Nouvelles diverses rémunération

Rémunération des dirigeants canadiens : le rapport alarmant du CCPA

Le Centre canadien des politiques alternatives qui a suivi le salaire des PDG du pays sur10 ans affirme que ce groupe aura empoché le salaire moyen annuel d’un Canadien travaillant à temps plein vers 11h47 mardi, le premier jour de travail de l’année pour la majorité des gens.

Selon un rapport intitulé « Throwing Money at the Problem 10 Years of Executive Compensation » :



Despite public outrage over exorbitantly high compensation packages, CEO pay has continued unabated, weathering all kinds of economic storms, and soaring to new highs. This year’s report finds that Canada’s highest paid 100 CEOs have set a new record: their total compensation in 2015 hit a new high at $9.5 million, or 193 times more than someone earning an average wage. They earn the average Canadian wage ($49,510) by 11:47 a.m. on January 3—the first working day of the year.


3 recommandations sont faites :

  • One line of attack would be to take compensation decisions out of the hands of the board of directors entirely, by making shareholder votes on pay mandatory rather than advisory.
  • A second, less dramatic, change would be to change the accountability of compensation advisors to make them accountable to shareholders rather than to the board, like auditors.
  • In the absence of corporate board leadership, it falls to government.


Pour une synthèse, vous pourrez lire l’article suivant sur La presse.ca.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian