engagement et activisme actionnarial

engagement et activisme actionnarial Gouvernance

Nouveau paradigme pour la gouvernance d’entreprise ?

The Investment Association de Grande-Bretagne vient de publier un rapport percutant : « Supporting UK Productivity with Long-Term Investment » (mars 2016). En le parcourant, c’est un nouveau paradigme qui se dessine pour les investisseurs institutionnels : faire une plus grande place au long-terme.

Petit extrait :


While the primary responsibility for promoting the success of a company rests with the Board and its oversight of management, investors play a crucial role in holding the Board to account for the fulfillment of its responsibilities. Shareholder stewardship should aim to promote the long-term success of companies in such a way that the ultimate providers of capital will also prosper. In this sense, there should be a natural alignment of interests: effective stewardship should benefit companies, investors and the economy as a whole.

Supporting long-term investment and productivity requires effective dialogue between investors and companies. By exercising stewardship responsibilities effectively, investors are well placed to ensure companies adopt a long-term approach. For example, through purposeful dialogue, shareholders can demonstrate support for expenditures that will boost productivity and challenge companies compromising it as a result of poor capital management.


Pour accéder à une synthèse de ce rapport : ici.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian