Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale | Page 8

Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Le purpose, toujours le purpose

Martin Lipton, William Savitt et Karessa L. Cain ont publié sur le Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance un intéressant papier intitulé : « On the Purpose of the Corporation » (27 mai 2020).

Extrait :

The growing view that corporations should take into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in running their businesses, and resistance from those who believe that companies should be managed solely to maximize share price, has intensified the focus on the more fundamental question of corporate governance: what is the purpose of the corporation?

The question has elicited an immense range of proposed answers. The British Academy’s Future of the Corporation Project, led by Colin Mayer, suggests that the purpose of the corporation is to provide profitable solutions to problems of people and planet, while not causing harm. The Business Roundtable has articulated a fundamental commitment of corporations to deliver value to all stakeholders, each of whom is essential to the corporation’s success. Each of the major US-based index funds has also expressed their views about the purpose of the corporations in which they invest, which, considered collectively, can be summarized as the pursuit of sustainable business strategies that take into account ESG factors in order to drive long-term value creation. On the other hand, the Council of Institutional Investors, some leading economists and law professors, and some activist hedge funds and other active investors continue to advocate a narrow scope of corporate purpose that is focused exclusively on maximizing shareholder value. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the inequality in our society that, in considerable measure, is attributable to maximizing shareholder value at the expense of employees and communities.

For our part, we have supported stakeholder governance for over 40 years—first, to empower boards of directors to reject opportunistic takeover bids by corporate raiders, and later to combat short-termism and ensure that directors maintain the flexibility to invest for long-term growth and innovation. We continue to advise corporations and their boards that they may exercise their business judgment to manage for the benefit of all stakeholders over the long term.

As the pandemic disrupts settled expectations and provokes fresh perspectives, we believe it is critical to the vitality of our economic system for corporations—and the asset managers and investors who hold their shares—to recognize that ESG and stakeholder purpose are necessary elements of sustainable business success, and to engage on a regular basis to rationalize their views as to governance and stewardship. The roadmap for this shared understanding is elaborated in The New Paradigm: A Roadmap for an Implied Corporate Governance Partnership Between Corporations and Investors to Achieve Sustainable Long-Term Investment and Growth, which we developed for the World Economic Forum in 2016.

These imperatives lead us to a simple formulation of corporate purpose:

The purpose of a corporation is to conduct a lawful, ethical, profitable and sustainable business in order to create value over the long-term, which requires consideration of the stakeholders that are critical to its success (shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, creditors and communities), as determined by the corporation and the board of directors using its business judgment and with regular engagement with shareholders, who are essential partners in supporting the corporation’s pursuit of this mission.

This conception of purpose is broad enough to apply to every business entity but at the same time supplies clear principles for action and engagement. The basic objective of sustainable profitability recognizes that the purpose of for-profit corporations is to create value for investors. The requirement of lawful and ethical conduct ensures minimum standards of corporate social compliance. Going further, the broader mandate to take into account corporate stakeholders—including communities, which is not limited to local communities, but comprises society and the economy at large—directs boards to exercise their business judgment within the scope of this broader responsibility. The requirement of regular shareholder engagement acknowledges accountability to investors, but also shared responsibility with shareholders for responsible long-term corporate stewardship.

Fulfilling this purpose will require different approaches for each corporation, dependent on its industry, history, governance and other factors. We expect that board committees—focusing on stakeholders, ESG issues and the stewardship obligations of shareholders—may be useful or even necessary for some companies. But for all the differences among companies, there is an important unifying commonality: corporate action, taken against the backdrop of this view of corporate purpose, will be fully protected by the business judgment rule, so long as it reflects the decisions of unconflicted directors acting upon careful deliberation.

Executed in this way, stakeholder governance is more consistent with a value-creation mandate than the shareholder primacy model. Directors and managers enjoy broad authority to act for the corporate entity they represent, over the long term, balancing its many rights and obligations and taking into account both risks and opportunities, in regular consultation with shareholders. Directors will not be forced to act as if any one interest trumps all others, with potentially destructive consequences, but will instead have latitude to make decisions that reasonably balance the interests of all constituencies and operate to the benefit of the sustainable, long-term business success of the corporation as a whole.

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devoirs des administrateurs Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration Normes d'encadrement normes de droit

Devoir de prudence des administrateurs en contexte de COVID-19

Lecture de Leon Yehuda Anidjar sur le devoir de prudence et son intérêt dans le contexte de la COVID-19 : « A Firm-Specific View of Directors’ Duty of Care in Times of Global Epidemic Crisis » (Oxford Business Law Blog, 20 mai 2020).

Extrait :

In a recent paper, I discuss the directors’ duty of care in times of financial distress from a global perspective and focus on directors’ roles in different types of SMEs. I argue that while the economic crunch of the years 2007–2009 was a direct result of large governance deficiencies (Bruner, 2011), which generated various reforms that reinforced the monitoring role of directors, the current crisis will highlight the significance of the directors’ managerial roles. Accordingly, we can expect jurists and policymakers to design numerous regulatory reforms that will reinforce their advisory role in a fashion that will assist them in tackling the severe consequences of our current times. Moreover, supervisory authorities may decrease the regulatory burden imposed on directors to allow them to invest considerable managerial resources for supporting the survival of companies (as Enriques demonstrates concerning corporate law, and Chiu et al point out regarding financial regulation). 

Furthermore, I argue that the civil law on directors’ duty of care provides boards with a broader scope of discretion to confront the challenges associated with COVID-19 than the Anglo-American law. Delaware corporate law, for instance, posits that since directors, rather than shareholders, manage the affairs of the corporation, they should be protected by the business judgment rule. However, a recent empirical study demonstrated that challenges to business judgment in English and Welsh cases have been increasingly successful from the mid-nineteenth century until the present, with a marked increase in legal liability since 2007. This indicates that the proposition that English courts will generally not review directors’ business decisions is incorrect (Keay et al, 2020). In contrast, under the law applicable in countries such as Germany, France, Italy, and the Netherlands, the standard of care cannot be determined absolutely: it must address the specific situation for which the question of the due diligence of organ dealing arises. Accordingly, this standard is at the same time objective and relative, ie, a company comparable in size, business, and the economic situation shall serve as a model (as illustrated by, the Cancun ruling of the Dutch Supreme Court).

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Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Stop Blaming Milton Friedman!

En voilà tout un titre ! Le professeur Brian Cheffins livre tout un article sur SSRN : « Brian R. Cheffins, « Stop Blaming Milton Friedman! », 11 mars 2020, University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 9/2020.

Résumé :

A 1970 New York Times essay on corporate social responsibility by Milton Friedman is often said to have launched a shareholder-focused reorientation of managerial priorities in America’s public companies. The essay correspondingly is a primary target of those critical of a shareholder-centric approach to corporate governance. This paper argues that it is erroneous to blame (or credit) Milton Friedman for the rise of shareholder primacy in corporate America. In order for Friedman’s views to be as influential as has been assumed, his essay should have constituted a fundamental break from prevailing thinking that changed minds with some alacrity. In fact, what Friedman said was largely familiar to readers in 1970 and his essay did little to change managerial priorities at that point in time. The shareholder-first mentality that would come to dominate in corporate America would only take hold in the mid-1980s. This occurred due to an unprecedented wave of hostile takeovers rather than anything Friedman said and was sustained by a dramatic shift in favor of incentive-laden executive pay. Correspondingly, the time has come to stop blaming him for America’s shareholder-oriented capitalism.

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actualités canadiennes finance sociale et investissement responsable Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement normes de droit normes de marché objectifs de l'entreprise Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Investir pour changer le monde

Dossier intéressant dans Les affaires : « Investir pour changer le monde – Quel impact réel a-t-il sur le portefeuille? ».

À l’intérieur, vous trouverez notamment les articles suivants :

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actualités canadiennes Base documentaire doctrine Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration Normes d'encadrement normes de droit objectifs de l'entreprise Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

COVID-19 : une mission plus large pour les CA

Le cabinet d’avocat Stikeman Elliott revient dans un billet court sur la mission du CA en contexte de pandémie : « COVID and Corporate Governance: A Broader Mission for Corporate Boards » (24 avril 2020).

Extrait :

The discussion focuses on the key challenges facing Canada’s corporate leaders as the reopening phase approaches:

  • Focusing on issues that matter;
  • Immediate crisis management and board readiness;
  • Re-thinking strategy and risk management;
  • Re-thinking incentive frameworks; and
  • Re-thinking corporate purpose.

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devoirs des administrateurs Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration Normes d'encadrement normes de droit parties prenantes Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Directors’ Duty under UK Law to Promote the Success of the Company during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Le 30 avril 2020, Philip Gavin s’est interrogé sur l’intérêt de l’article 172 du Company Act pour les administrateurs et dirigeants dans le contexte de la COVID-19 : « Directors’ Duty under UK Law to Promote the Success of the Company during the COVID-19 Pandemic » (Oxford Business Law Blog).

Extrait :

A nuance to director’s duties in the United Kingdom is the expansive statutory delineation of s 172, which endows numerous considerations for directors when acting to promote the success of the company for the benefit of members. Given the unique circumstances of the present-day commercial sphere and the more humanitarian demands being put to businesses, having a statutory foundation upon which to base non-traditional business strategies may assist effective decision-making and financial reporting.

The initial three considerations enshrined within s 172 are (a) the likely long term consequences of any decision, (b) the interests of employees and (c) the need to foster business relationships with suppliers, customers and others. These factors are of particular relevance for firms who sought justification for voluntary shutdown of businesses prior to the wider governmental shutdown.


Where production changes become quasi-humanitarian in tone and companies internalise cost in the interim, directors may seek justification through s 172(1)(d) and (e), these being the impact on the community and the desirability of maintaining high business standards respectively.  Accordingly, directors can seek to frame these quasi-humanitarian efforts in long-term reputational terms, thereby engendering prospective communitarian goodwill.

Furthermore, as political pressure mounts, boards may evaluate reputational factors not simply in terms of market reputation, but also in terms of Governmental co-operation. This is particularly so where companies face increased intervention by public authorities through the Civil Contingencies Act. Comparatively, in a recent memorandum the Trump administration has attempted to exert control over the distribution of ventilators by the multinational conglomerate 3M. Cautious of such intervention occurring within their own enterprises, companies may shift business operations to such an extent to signal their compliance and co-operation with public authorities, thereby disincentivising the wholesale overrule of board discretion. 

Within jurisdictions with vaguer duties to act bona fide in the best interests of the company (Delaware, Australia, Ireland), directors may still engage in such quasi-humanitarian efforts. Nevertheless, utilising s 172 to steer directorial judgment may assist effective decision-making, and furthermore guide financial reporting, which mandates s 172 director’s statements.  Given that the tenor of 2020 reports will be likely dominated by COVID-19, UK directors will benefit from the homogenising structure of s 172 when making such disclosures in the coming months.

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engagement et activisme actionnarial Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement Responsabilité sociale des entreprises Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

COVID-19 et RSE : fini la responsabilité limitée des actionnaires

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, mon nouveau billet sur Contact vient d’être publié. Il s’intéresse aux actionnaires dans le contexte de la COVID-19 et est intitulé « COVID-19: actionnaires, engagez-vous! » (10 mai 2020).

Extrait :

(…) Ainsi, les entreprises ont besoin des actionnaires, mais, bien au-delà de leur argent, c’est de leurs valeurs qu’elles ont besoin. La crise de la COVID-19 est une occasion unique pour ces gens d’affaires de redevenir des parties prenantes responsables, plutôt que des «actionnaires-investisseurs » qui depuis trop longtemps, comme des passagers clandestins, se cachent derrière leur irresponsabilité et la seule financiarisation des entreprises.

(…) Or, si l’engagement demeure une attitude souhaitable de la part des actionnaires en temps normal, il devient une nécessité dans le contexte de la pandémie sanitaire actuelle. Dans un moment si chaotique et incertain, la contribution des actionnaires s’avère essentielle au succès du plan de relance du Canada et du Québec. Une fois cette observation faite, encore faut-il répondre à nombre de questions: que devraient faire les actionnaires? Quelle attitude devraient-ils adopter? Comment devraient-ils s’engager? 


  • Rester calme
  • Se concentrer sur la COVID-19
  • Défendre une approche de long terme
  • S’assurer de sécuriser la position des salariés
  • Abandonner les sacro-saints dividendes
  • Se montrer financièrement prudent et souple
  • Maintenir les relations avec les fournisseurs et les consommateurs
  • Être vigilant à l’égard de la démocratie actionnariale


Les actionnaires ont certes des droits, mais il est temps qu’ils assument des obligations, notamment en matière de RSE et de gestion adéquate des parties prenantes d’une entreprise. Autrement dit, ils devraient encourager une gestion financière responsable qui permette aux entreprises de prioriser les employés, les sous-traitants, les fournisseurs et le succès à plus long terme de l’entreprise en mettant de côté les avantages consentis aux dirigeants ainsi que les rachats et les dividendes pour les actionnaires.

Avec la COVID-19, les entreprises peuvent légitimement donner corps à la RSE (voir mon billet de blogue) et dire adieu à la fameuse théorie de la primauté actionnariale. Ce n’est pas parce que le droit est (à notre sens) imparfait et donne la possibilité aux actionnaires d’agir le plus égoïstement possible (voir mon billet de blogue) que ce comportement est celui à adopter. Après tout, la crise peut être vue comme une porte ouverte vers la RSE!


Cela fait bien longtemps que les juristes ont observé que les actionnaires se désintéressent du sort des entreprises où leurs fonds sont placés. Encore plus quand ce ne sont pas eux, mais des professionnels qui placent leurs fonds en leur nom et pour leur compte. Au fil du temps, les actionnaires se sont transformés en prêteurs qui réclament une rentabilité tout en rejetant l’investissement qu’elle implique. D’ailleurs, le droit leur impose peu d’obligations, si ce n’est de réaliser le paiement en contrepartie du titre qu’ils reçoivent. Toutefois, «[l]es choses n’ont pas été données au départ et ne sont pas pour ainsi dire naturelles».

Alors, actionnaires, retenez une chose de la crise sanitaire mondiale: que cela vous plaise ou non, il va falloir sérieusement vous engager. L’heure est venue d’entendre le clap de fin pour la responsabilité limitée des actionnaires, même si elle demeure ancrée dans le droit des sociétés par actions! C’est à ce prix que les entreprises pourront se redresser.

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