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Stakeholderism: study finds evidence in short supply

Retour sur la tribune de Lucian Bebchuk et Roberto Tallarita dans le Wall Street Journal critiquant le soi-disant stakeholderism qui émergerait de l’après COVID-19 par Cavin Hinks dans Board Agenda du 7 août 2020 : « Stakeholderism: study finds evidence in short supply ».

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Where does that leave stakeholderism? It’s no secret that many have argued fundamental change would be needed for the movement to really gain traction. In the UK, at least, the Institute of Directors has set up an entirely new governance centre to specifically explore this issue.

It may also be the case that boardroom approval and governance guidelines are not sufficient to prove that stakeholderism is absent in the US or elsewhere. Policy decision making at different levels—including chief executives acting alone—may reflect a shift to new forms of corporate behaviour, regardless of board-sanctioned decisions.

When the Sustainability Board Report , a campaign group, looked as corporate statements made by the world’s largest 100 companies as a result of Covid-19, it concluded there was evidence to suggest stakeholderism had “accelerated” during the pandemic. But it was inspecting disclosures about policies relating to employees, customers, suppliers and communities rather than formal boardroom approval processes or redrafted governance guidelines.

That might suggest CEOs make decisions that reflect stakeholderism without constructing a formal board-approved shift in approach. For that matter, it might also indicate such a movement could be short-lived and swing back once the threat of Covid-19 has receded.

Campaigners hope not. Close observers might also ask how stakeholderism might be properly observed or even measured.

The discussion has a long way to go. Bebchuk and Tallarita raise important questions with some compelling evidence. But it’s not entirely clear we’ve reached a final verdict on stakeholderism.

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