
conférences Nouvelles diverses

Colloque en Norvège : intéressé ?

Ma collègue Beate Sjåfjell (qu’on ne présente plus) de la Faculté de droit d’Oslo organise un beau colloque international et interdisciplinaire à Oslo les 29 et 30 novembre 2016 sur le thème suivant : « Life-cycle based management and reporting for sustainable business ».


Meeting the grand challenge of securing a social foundation for all people today and for future generations without destroying the very basis of our existence, is arguably not possible without the contribution of business. What this requires of business in aggregate may be denoted corporate sustainability, which can be defined as when businesses (or more broadly, private, public and hybrid economic actors) in aggregate create value in a manner that is (a) environmentally sustainable in the sense that it ensures the long-term stability and resilience of the ecosystems that support human life, (b) socially sustainable in the sense that it facilitates the respect and promotion of human rights, and (c) economically sustainable in the sense that it satisfies the economic needs necessary for stable and resilient societies. The new UN Sustainable Development Goals with national integration have also given corporate sustainability a new and stronger momentum.

A life-cycle based approach to business, where environmental, social and governance impacts are integrated, is a possible approach towards achieving corporate sustainability. It also has the potential of transcending the barriers between legal entities, both public and private, and across global supply chains and contractual networks.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian