L’ESMA publie un rapport sur le greenwashing

Le 6 juin 2024, l’Autorité européenne des marchés financiers (AEMF-ESMA) a publié son rapport final sur l’écoblanchiment dans le secteur financier : ESMA36-287652198-2699.

  • Pour accéder au rapport : cliquez ici


Quelle constatations faites ?

NCAs can leverage on their mandate to protect investors and on existing provisions in the EU Regulatory Framework, for sustainability-related supervision and enforcement. As a type of miscommunication or misconduct, greenwashing can be captured by existing EU rules prohibiting misleading information. Greenwashing can also be addressed by acting on infringements against a series of specific sustainability-related requirements introduced in the EU in recent years.

So far, NCAs have reported having detected only a limited number of actual or potential occurrences of greenwashing.

Formal enforcement decisions are, up to now, limited as well.

To address the need for specialised knowledge, NCAs and ESMA have started building sustainability-related capacities and expertise through training programs, recruitments, cooperation with relevant national agencies or dialogue with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).


Quelles priorités ?

NCAs are expected to gradually deepen their critical scrutiny of sustainability-related claims. To achieve this, they are invited to continue increasing human resources and expertise, making investments in supervisory tools such as SupTech solutions and further embed greenwashing risks in their respective supervisory work programmes.

ESMA will continue to support the monitoring of greenwashing risks, the deployment of SupTech tools, and capacity building.  In addition, ESMA will prompt Common Supervisory Actions where needed. ESMA may produce additional guidance for market participants and supervisors in high-risk areas of greenwashing.

The European Commission is invited to reinforce NCAs’ and ESMA’s mandates in certain areas, such as for benchmarks, and make sure all NCAs have the powers to promote retail investors’ financial education. Whenever possible, the Commission should ensure the legislative framework supports NCAs’ access to data.

À la prochaine…

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 29 juillet 2024 à 10 h 27 min.


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