Rethinking Non-Financial Reporting: A Blueprint for Structural Regulatory Changes

Le Journal of Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium (CONVIVIUM) propose un numéro spécial intéressant consacré au reporting non-financier. Parmi les articles que j’ai repéré, je vous renvoie à ceux-ci…

Table des matières (sélective)

Rethinking Non-Financial Reporting: A Blueprint for Structural Regulatory Changes

David Monciardini, Jukka Tapio Mähönen, Georgina Tsagas

Non-Financial Reporting & Corporate Governance: Explaining American Divergence & Its Implications for Disclosure Reform

Virginia Harper Ho

Integrated Reporting and Sustainable Corporate Governance from European Perspective

Jukka Mähönen

Why “Less is More” in Non-Financial Reporting Initiatives: Concrete Steps Towards Supporting Sustainability

Georgina Tsagas, Charlotte Villiers

Planetary Boundaries and Corporate Reporting: The Role of the Conceptual Basis of the Corporation

Jeroen Veldman, Andreas Jansson

The Financialization of Civil Society Activism: Sustainable Finance, Non-Financial Disclosure and the Shrinking Space for Engagement

Davide Cerrato, Tomaso Ferrando

À la prochaine…

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 26 octobre 2023 à 0 h 01 min.


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