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Gouvernance normes de droit Nouvelles diverses

Speech de la SEC : la dénonciation encensée

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je vous informe qu’Andrew Ceresney (directeur de la division Enforcement à la SEC) s’est exprimé lors de la Sixteenth Annual Taxpayers Against Fraud Conference à Washington le 14 septembre 2016 (« The SEC’s Whistleblower Program: The Successful Early Years »). À cette occasion, M. Ceresney est revenu sur la dénonciation, son histoire et son succès actuel… ainsi que l’influence qu’a exercé le programme de dénonciation américain pour le Canada (Ontario et Québec) et l’Australie.


Whistleblowers provide an invaluable public service, often at great personal and professional sacrifice and peril. I cannot overstate the appreciation we have for the willingness of whistleblowers to come forward with evidence of potential securities law violations. I often speak of the transformative impact that the program has had on the Agency, both in terms of the detection of illegal conduct and in moving our investigations forward quicker and through the use of fewer resources.


Dans son allocution, M. Ceserney fournit des chiffres :

  1. The success of the program can be seen, in part, in the over $107 million we have paid to 33 whistleblowers for their valuable assistance, in cases with more than $500 million ordered in sanctions
  2. Since the inception of the program, the Office has received more than 14,000 tips from whistleblowers in every state in the United States and from over 95 foreign countries. What’s more, tips from whistleblowers increased from 3,001 in fiscal year 2012 — the first full fiscal year that the Commission’s Whistleblower Office was in operation — to nearly 4,000 last year, an approximately 30% increase. And we are on target to exceed that level this year. During fiscal year 2015, the Office returned over 2,800 phone calls from members of the public. By the end of fiscal year 2015, the Commission and Claims Review Staff had issued Final Orders and Preliminary Determinations with respect to over 390 claims for whistleblower awards.


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Ivan Tchotourian

Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement

New Directions in Corporate Compliance: Keynote Luncheon Speech

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, très intéressant synthèse d’une intervention sur l’importance et ;les éléments nécessaires à un programme de conformité effectif par Andrew J. Donohue pour le compte de la SEC : « New Directions in Corporate Compliance: Keynote Luncheon Speech ». En lisant ce résumé, vous partagerez mon sentiment : il y a du travail en perspective !


Throughout my career I have witnessed that a critical component of an effective corporate compliance program is the integrity of those people you have in your organization and their ownership of personal responsibility for themselves and the areas for which they are responsible.  If you don’t have the right people with integrity who accept responsibility, the likelihood of your corporate compliance program being effective is, at a minimum, diminished appreciably….I can’t stress enough the critical role a firm’s culture has on its corporate compliance program and its effectiveness.  A culture of always doing the right thing, not tolerating bad practices or bad actors is essential.  The culture should encourage people to ask questions and to discuss openly what is the proper response to a particular issue and how conflicts should be resolved.  It should hold the higher up members of the firm to at least the same standard of conduct as those below them.  I have always thought that the higher up you were in an organization, the less tolerant the firm should be of your non-compliance.  If that is the culture of the firm that sends a powerful message within an organization. Another sign of the culture of a firm is whether there is a correlation between ethical behavior and the firm’s reward structure, such as salaries, bonuses and promotions (…)

 How did I get comfortable? So how do you get comfortable having responsibility for the corporate compliance function in a firm?  Now that is a good question.  I never really got comfortable and I was always worried.  But that was ok as it kept me constantly alert and thinking and I was able to sleep most nights.  Here are a few thoughts on how you might get more comfortable with these responsibilities:….”.


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Ivan Tchotourian

normes de droit rémunération

New Rules Curbing Wall Street Pay Proposed

Les règles américaines en matière de rémunération se resserrent dans le domaine de la finance selon un article du Wall Street Journal : « New Rules Curbing Wall Street Pay Proposed ».

Sous les règles proposées, les grandes banques nationales auraient jusqu’à sept ans pour réclamer les bonus d’un cadre s’il s’avérait que son comportement avait été préjudiciable à son institution. De même, au lieu de restituer le bonus en un an, les paiements pourraient être étalés sur 4 ans.

Tens of thousands of Wall Street bankers face tighter restrictions on how they are paid under new rules proposed by U.S. regulators in response to the financial crisis of nearly a decade ago. Under the proposed rules, the nation’s largest banks would have up to seven years to « claw back » an executive’s bonuses if it turns out his or her actions hurt the institution. Also, instead of handing over all of a person’s bonus in one year, the payments would be spread out over four, according to the proposed rules.

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Ivan Tchotourian

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Rapport 2015 de la SEC à propos des agences de notation

La Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a publié en décembre 2015 son rapport annuel sur les agences de notation : « 2015 SUMMARY REPORT OF COMMISSION STAFF’S EXAMINATIONS OF EACH NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED STATISTICAL RATING ORGANIZATION ».

This report summarizes the examinations conducted by staff from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the « Staff ») under Section 15E(p)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (« Exchange Act »).1 This is a report of the Staff and, as such, reflects solely the Staff’s views. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (« Commission ») is making this Staff report public as required by Section 15E(p)(3)(C) of the Exchange Act.

Un article de Les É (ici) nous apprend : « La SEC montre qu’elles sont prêtes à beaucoup pour gagner des parts de marché. L’une d’entre elles a noté une obligation sans avoir été sollicitée, pour ravir le marché à l’un de ses concurrents. Sa notation étant plus favorable que l’autre, elle a l’espoir que le client lui donnera le marché la fois suivante. Les procédures de notation restent parfois arbitraires, ajoute la SEC. Des notes qui avaient été données par des analystes ont ainsi été modifiées « à la demande de leurs supérieurs hiérarchiques », en violation des règles internes. Des notations ont par ailleurs été attribuées, qui différaient de celles produites par le modèle quantitatif de l’agence. Celle-ci n’a pas expliqué les raisons du changement ».

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Ivan Tchotourian

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SEC : précisions sur l’exclusion des propositions d’actionnaires

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, il y a peu, la SEC a publié un guide d’interprétation sur l’exclusion des propositions émanant des actionnaires : « Shareholder Proposals » (Staff Legal Bulletin No. 14H (CF)).

Rule 14a-8(i)(9) is one of the substantive bases for exclusion of a shareholder proposal in Rule 14a-8.  It permits a company to exclude a proposal “[i]f the proposal directly conflicts with one of the company’s own proposals to be submitted to shareholders at the same meeting.”

During the most recent proxy season, questions arose about the Division’s interpretation of Rule 14a-8(i)(9).  In light of these questions, Chair Mary Jo White directed the Division to review the proper scope and application of the rule. As part of this review, we reviewed, among other things, Commission and Division statements and other materials, and considered approaches suggested by commenters.

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Ivan Tchotourian