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How responsible investors should respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis

Le COVID-19 a également des conséquences pour les actionnaires qu’ils soient de petits porteurs ou des investisseurs institutionnels : les PRI viennent de rappeler que ceux qui s’inscrivent dans une démarche socialement responsable doivent adopter un certain comportement en cette période de fortes turbulences : « How responsible investors should respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis » (27 mars 2020).

The COVID-19 pandemic – and the global response to it – is a serious threat not only to global health, but to our communities, our economies and our investments. As long-term stewards of capital, investors can and should act now to help reduce harmful impacts including: the direct effect on public health, the severity of the associated economic slowdown, the deepening of inequality in societies and the resulting impacts of all of the above on mental health.

Actions à entreprendre :

  • Action 1: Engage companies that are failing in their crisis management
  • Action 2: Engage where other harm is being hidden behind, or worsened by, the crisis
  • Action 3: Deprioritise engagement on other topics
  • Action 4: Publicly support an economy-wide response
  • Action 5: Participate in virtual AGMs
  • Action 6: Be receptive to requests for financial support
  • Action 7: Maintain a long-term focus in investment decision making

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