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Quel lien entre les droits de l’homme et la finance durable ?

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, l’UNEP vient de publier un très intéressant rapport sur les liens entre droits de l’homme et finance durable (ici).

UNEP’s Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System has partnered with the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) to produce a report examining the relationship between finance and human rights. It concludes that a sustainable future for all requires a coherent vision of how the layers of society, economy, environment, and finance interact, and the role of the financial system in facilitating sustainable livelihoods and societies.

Morceau choisi pour le côté « régulation » :

There is far greater scope for directing finance through policy and regulatory interventions to avoid harm to human rights at a minimum, and to maximize the potential in fulfilling human rights. The Paper identifies a number of opportunities to build on. Perhaps the most important starting point is sparking an interest with regulators to even consider the topic of human rights. There are a few nascent signs: the impact of the financial crisis and growing inequality has sparked, if not ignited, an interest among some regulators in considering the need for inclusive capitalism where human rights can play an important role in framing considerations around inequality. The growing attention to unwanted environmental and social externalities of current modes of production and the social tensions this can cause is beginning to register with financial supervision authorities. Regulators are worried about the identified need to rebuild trust in the sector, where financial leaders take values as seriously as valuation. In other words, the conversation has begun but further work is needed: (…)

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian