Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale | Page 2

devoirs des administrateurs mission et composition du conseil d'administration

Prêt pour les risques associés à siéger dans un CA ?

Le magazine fei Daily propose un article d’Ann Longmore au titre évocateur : « Prepared for the Risks Associated With Serving on Boards? » (28 juillet 2015). L’auteure résume très bien les choses : « Serving on the board of a company has never been so risky and the stakes for directors have never been higher, which is why this is such an important time to explore in-depth the range of risks and responsibilities that accompany the role of a global director today ».

Directors are practical people, looking for practical advice. The sea change in corporate governance that began around the globe roughly 10 years ago, kicked off with the collapse of WorldCom Inc. and Enron Corp. in the United States, and the proliferation of local examples around the world has been further fueled by the global financial crisis, which has put investments and boards of directors further at risk.

Against a backdrop of almost unparalleled financial instability, corporate crises, increasing regulation and public resentment over the perceived power of big business, directors of large companies (especially in the financial-services sector) are the subject of intense scrutiny.

Serving on the board of a company has never been so risky and the stakes for directors have never been higher, which is why this is such an important time to explore in-depth the range of risks and responsibilities that accompany the role of a global director today.

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Ivan Tchotourian